Šogad farmācijas studentiem ir parādījusies lieliska iespēja piedalīties Somijas farmācijas studentu asociācijas rīkotajā ikgadējā kongresā un izbraucienā ar kuģi, kas norisināsies 14.10 - 15.10.2017 Helsinkos! Šī gada tēma veltīta zāļu ietekmei uz apkārtējo vidi.
Turpinājumā pievienots apraksts par pasākumu, ja esi ieinteresēts līdz 22.08 sazinies ar LFSA! Nepalaid garām lielisku iespēju satikt citu valstu kolēģus, iegūt jaunus draugus un apmainīties pieredzē!
Vēstule no FiPSA:
Dear Friends,
I am pleased to invite you, and your fellow pharmacy students, to FiPSA Congress in Helsinki. The congress will be held 14.-15.10.2017 and the theme of the congress is "Drugs and environment". The congress consists of lectures, workshops, trainings and a traditional Finnish students' party called "sitsit" on Saturday evening.
I am also pleased to invite you to Finnish pharmacy students' annual cruise. The ferry will leave from Helsinki on Sunday 15.10. in the afternoon and be back in Helsinki the following Monday at 16.00 (accommodation on the ferry). We will head to Tallinn on a 22h cruise and we will have the chance to walk around in the city on Monday morning. The cruise is the biggest event of the year for all the Finnish pharmacy students.
The fees for the congress and the cruise is stated below. The congress fee includes all program, breakfast on both mornings and coffee on breaks. Accommodation and travel expenses would be covered by the participants. The congress program will be published later as we are still working on it.
Congress fee 20 € per person
Cruise 40-60 € / cabin for 4 persons depending on the cabin class
One mandatory meal on the ferry per person
Dinner buffet on Sunday evening (open bar) 33 €
Breakfast buffet on Monday 10,50 €
Lunch buffet on Monday 22 €
I am hoping that many of you can participate and make our events even more awesome! Official registration will begin 31st of August. You can find more information about the events at http://www.fipsa.fi/en/2017/07/fipsa-congress-and-pharmacy-students-cruise/ and on FiPSA's Facebook page.
I will gladly answer any questions you might have. Enclosed you can find marketing material for the congress that you can freely use. I will get back to you with an updated program and marketing material for the cruise. FiPSA is looking forward to hearing from you and seeing you at our congress and on our annual cruise!
Best regards,
Nelli Äijö
Chairperson of FiPSA-congress 2017